Widows and orphans typography
Widows and orphans typography

The idea behind this technique is to reduce or increase the spacing between each word within the paragraph. This is a good one if you have some major issues to address. Remember, the paragraph should not appear visibly different to the others on the page. Use your common sense-if the letters seem too loosely spaced or are too close together, you’ve gone too far. I suggest you go no further than -25 or +25 but this will depend on the font. Simply highlight the entire paragraph and either reduce or increase the tracking amount (the distance between each character). This is the technique that I find will work for most Widows. Tracking Adjustmentsīest for fixing: Widows, and occasionally Orphans. This can be done by placing the cursor within the paragraph and choosing it from the Paragraph Panel menu. One thing to be aware of when using the software, you need to ensure the paragraph is set to Adobe Single-line Composer. As a result, this technique is worth a try if you have a really short word sitting at the end of a line, but apart from that, you’ll probably have little success. Therefore, the solution to fixing one problem has caused another. The major issue with this approach is pretty obvious looking at the example above-we have ended up with a big “bite” out of the paragraph. As a result, this will reflow the remaining text within the paragraph and hopefully add an extra word to the last line, which will eliminate the widow. Look at the paragraph and try adding a line break somewhere by placing the cursor before the last word of a line and press Shift-Return. So how is this achieved? Well it’s pretty easy.

Widows and orphans typography manual#

The simplest approach is to rework the paragraph using a manual line break, or as it’s sometimes called, a soft return. Let’s look at each technique and any negatives that go with the fix. You may apply multiple techniques to the same paragraph to fix a problem.The paragraph that you apply the technique/s to should not appear visibly different to any other on the page.The two golden rules when applying techniques to fix Widows and Orphans are: The techniques to fix these pesky little fellows can range from minor adjustments to tracking-or at the extreme end, adjusting glyph scaling. Firstly, Widows cause unsightly (and unnecessary) chunks of white space throughout the text and secondly, Orphans disrupt the flow of reading. Now, why are these two issues considered bad typography? For two reasons. Check out the picture below for a visual perspective. With the disclaimer that both terms can be interchangeable, a Widow is a single word (or two very short words) sitting by itself on the last line of a paragraph and an Orphan is the last line of a paragraph that is situated at the start of a column or even worse, on a different page to the rest of the paragraph. Why not Photoshop? Well, you shouldn’t be setting too much type in Photoshop as that’s not what it’s designed for, but if you do, some of these techniques may work-no promises though!įirst off lets have a quick review. Share I listed Widows and Orphans as an issue in a previous post, “ Five Rookie (and sometimes seasoned pro) Typography Mistakes I See Everywhere!”, I suggest you read that post first as this is a follow on article that expands on the previous by outlining a number of techniques that can be used within either Adobe InDesign or Illustrator to fix Widows and Orphans.

Widows and orphans typography